Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back to work

Hello everyone!  This has been a very exciting week Brittany was at orientation for UTEP this week she is all registered and ready to start, yes we are all excited.  We are getting prepared for back to work for me and back to school for the kiddos.  Shopping for school supplies on the ever so long lists.  Looking for sales on uniforms for my very unhappy 11 year old who is not excited at all about wearing them. LOL New clothes for me and the rest of the clan.

As a single mother of four you can imagine we are going to be clipping coupons and looking for bargains, so any sales you all know of please let me know.  Every year it seems that the summer goes by faster and faster, so unfair.  But oh well I must be grateful for having this special time to spend with my monkeys. 

Today was the day I found out if I actually had a job to go back to, and I am happy to be able to report that yes I do and for the 16th year in a row I will be back at the same place, my old stomping grounds, I must admit I am happy to be back at the same place.  We are getting a brand new building in October and I would have been highly upset if they moved me and I never got to break in the new building. 

Brittany is excited about starting college, AA will be a sophomore in high school, Kas will be starting the 6th grade and moving into middle school while my G-baby will be a 2nd grader.  I am back to have 4 kids at 4 different schools.  Oh joy! 

Well I am going to enjoy these last 2 weeks of vacation and try to figure out how to make time go more slowly.  Hope all is well with all of you and your families.  Happy Blogging to all.


Donda said...

WOW Lady, you got your plate full! My 4 kids are about the same age as yours give or take a few yrs. My sister told me Old Navy had uniform shirts for 5 bucks. I don't know if that is Nat'l or just here in Lou where we live. I hate uniforms. They think they are making it easier for folks but it is they all look like little commune kids...oh, don't get me started!

Anonymous said...

I have my oldest starting second grade....and my Baby starting kindergarten...I am having a hard time with this....