Saturday, July 24, 2010

Relaxing after a long boring week

Hello to all I am back after a long, boring week.  I was back at work for three days of training and it seemed like each day lasted for 50 hours. LOL The kids as usual texted me and called me a million times over the three days because of some trivial thing they wanted permission to do. Thursday night was spent at a local hang out singing karaoke with some good friends.  I have always wondered why people would sing outside of their shower. HAHA It was a true experience let me tell you, some of these people do not even realize they sing really badly.  I have no room to talk though because I would not even have the guts to try it. 

Today we spent the day at a birthday party for the chubbiest one year old cutie I have ever seen.  She is totally adorable and knows it.  All of the kids fell in love with her and wanted to bring her home, I dont think so, what would I do with another one.  Hoping to get some much needed r and r tomorrow after church, but for some reason that usually never happens in this fun filled household with 4 monkeys always causing chaos.

Brittany is a much more faithful blogger than I am, but sometimes there really are not enough hours in a day.  It is however and incredible outlet when time permits and I am thoroughly enjoying it.  Thank you to all for the wonderful comments and for being interested in my insane life.  Have a great Sunday and a blessed week.

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